Elevate Your Business with Erikson Media

WordPress + Shopify: Elevate Your Online Success with Expert SEO and Ecommerce Marketing.

Everything you need

The most powerful tools for your business

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WordPress empowers small businesses with user-friendly websites, fostering online visibility, engagement, and growth.

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Web hosting ensures businesses a reliable online presence and optimal performance for digital success.

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Themes & Plugins

Themes & Plugins empower small businesses with customizable designs and enhanced functionality for an efficient online presence.

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Shopify fuels small businesses with a user-friendly e-commerce platform, streamlining online operations for sustainable growth.

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing fuels small business success through targeted campaigns, fostering customer engagement and maximizing brand visibility.

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SEO Services

SEO boosts business by optimizing online visibility, driving organic traffic, and ensuring a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

WordPress Mastery

Mastering WordPress: Essential Tips for Theme Customization

Unleash the full potential of your WordPress site by diving into this guide on theme customization. From choosing the right theme to tweaking design elements, discover the secrets to crafting a visually stunning and uniquely tailored website.


Shopify Success

Shopify Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding and Managing Products

Embark on your Shopify journey with confidence! This step-by-step guide walks you through the process of adding and managing products on your Shopify store. Elevate your e-commerce game and optimize your product listings for success.

Hosting Decoded

Hosting Decoded: Unraveling the Differences Between Shared and Dedicated Hosting

Choosing the right hosting solution is crucial for your website’s performance. Delve into this comprehensive guide to understand the distinctions between shared and dedicated hosting. Make informed decisions to ensure your site’s success.


Top Wordpress Hosts

WordPress Hosting

Choose the right WordPress host for your business




Save 55% – $29.89/month

With a 36-month plan

  • One-Click WordPress Installation
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Reliability and Uptime
  • Free Domain Name for the First Year
  • Resource Scalability


Most Popular



$499.00 Yearly Purchase

2 months FREE included

  • Managed WordPress Hosting
  • High-Speed Hosting and Content Delivery
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • DDoS Protection and Security Measures

WP Engine



Billed at C$918.00

First year pricing for new customers only.

  • Managed WordPress Hosting
  • EverCache Technology
  • Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Staging Environments
  • Enhanced Security Measures

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Frequently asked questions

How do I install a new theme in WordPress?

Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance,” click on “Themes,” and choose “Add New.” Browse or upload your desired theme, then activate it.

What are WordPress plugins, and how do I install them?

Plugins add functionality. To install, go to “Plugins” in your dashboard, click “Add New,” search for a plugin, and click “Install” and then “Activate.”

How can I create a backup of my WordPress site?

Use plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy, or check with your hosting provider for backup options. Regularly save your database and files.

How can I improve my website’s SEO ranking?

Focus on quality content, optimize on-page elements, build quality backlinks, ensure mobile-friendliness, and monitor site speed.

What is the importance of meta tags in SEO?

Meta tags, such as title and description, provide information to search engines. Craft compelling meta tags for better click-through rates.

How do I add a product in Shopify?

In your Shopify dashboard, go to “Products,” click “Add product,” fill in details like title and price, upload images, and click “Save.”

Can I customize the look of my Shopify store?

Yes, use the “Online Store” section in your Shopify admin to customize themes. Explore themes and edit settings to match your brand.

How do I create an effective email marketing campaign?

Define your goals, segment your audience, craft compelling content, use engaging visuals, and analyze results to refine your strategy.

What is the role of social media in marketing?

Social media helps build brand awareness, engage with the audience, drive website traffic, and foster relationships with customers and prospects.

What is the difference between shared and dedicated hosting?

Shared hosting shares server resources among multiple websites, while dedicated hosting provides exclusive server resources for one site.

Question not answered above? Contact us

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